New rod arrived today. Accura 100H Typ-R. I've put Daiwa Saltist reel on it for now. Later will replace it with Stella. Taking both rods this week to Croatia to try them
New rod arrived today. Accura 100H Typ-R. I've put Daiwa Saltist reel on it for now. Later will replace it with Stella. Taking both rods this week to Croatia to try them,StoneAge | Barracuda Rotary Tools,Hoshizaki KM-161BAJ 23 3/4,GENUINE KAWASAKI ACTUATOR 16172-0018, BRUTE FORCE 650 750 PRAIRIE 360,Genuine Kawasaki Brute Force 750 650 Prairie 360 700 Actuator 16172-0039 NEW OEM | eBay